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Words of Women: La Meccanica celebrates the International Women's Day


Attracting female talents in a changing labor market, to build together the present and the future of Italian industry.
This is one of the objectives of La Meccanica di Reffo.


Giornata internazionale della donna - La Meccanica's Women


In Italian metalworking sector only 20% of the employed are female and only 10% are managers, most of them (54%) are employed.
The time has come to change course, to raise awareness among schools, companies and associations, so that they can stimulate a virtuous circle for the emergence of those human resources, mostly female ones, that are lost in the transition between education and labor market.

La Meccanica strongly believes in the importance of the inclusion and growth of women in Italian industry. It is essential, in fact, to enhance their role in the companies and to recognize the contribution they can make in every business sector.
La Meccanica’s women are active in all departments, from Administration to Production, from Operations to Sales and Back Office, from Marketing to Technical Department, from Human Resources to IT. They are very different women, each with their aspirations and dreams, interests and passions. All actively contribute, each in its own sphere, to the success of this company.

Today, on the occasion of the International Women's Day, we talked to some of them, to get to know them better and understand how their thinking about women and work.

FRANCESCA - Back Office

"You have been hired recently at La Meccanica, even if it is not your first job experience. What made it stick out about this company? ".
I found a welcoming environment, with very helpful people, that made me feel at ease. I share the optimism and the brightness of the people I have met so far and I think they are the most important resource for a company's growth.

GIULIANA - Production Department

"You work and you are a mom, what do you think companies should do to meet the needs of working mothers?".
For a mother, especially in the early years of the child, it is essential to have flexible working hours or be able to get a part-time job. Of course, the cooperation of your husband or partner and parents is also very important, as is the assistance of a good babysitter. Even nursery schools and full-time schools help, but the most important thing is having an employer who believes in women and values them.

ELENA - Human Resources

"You are still very young and this is your first work experience. At La Meccanica you are an employee of the Human Resources Office, so you often have to manage complex dynamics. Do you think that being a woman gives you an edge in your work? In your opinion, what is the main quality that those who work in human resources must have?"
It is essential that the human resources employee guarantees an active listening of the company’s staff, empathy and problem solving. I think these characteristics are easier to find in a woman, who can count on greater sensitivity, listening skills and dialogue capacity. Those involved in human resources must have a great passion for people and be spokesmen for the requirements that they seeks in others: ambition, courage, resistance. They must be able to highlight the talent of each of the people who work in a company and act as a "bridge" between the different roles.

LORETTA - Operations

"Oggi nel mondo del lavoro ci sono sempre più donne, quindi c'è ancora molta strada da fare. Cosa stai cercando nella tua prima esperienza lavorativa? ".
Credo che sfortunatamente una lavoratrice debba impegnarsi molto di più per ottenere credito e rispetto rispetto ai suoi colleghi maschi. Pertanto, desidera acquisire il maggior numero di competenze possibili dal primo all'ultimo giorno lavorativo. Non dovrebbe mai smettere di studiare, imparare, farsi coinvolgere costantemente. Lei deve credere in se stessa e nelle sue capacità.

MARISA - Ufficio amministrativo

Come sei cambiato negli ultimi anni? ".
Buongiorno a tutti e auguri a tutte le donne. Direi che La Meccanica è cresciuta nel tempo e continua a migliorare. La cultura aziendale è cambiata e si è evoluta, durante questo processo, i ruoli chiave sono stati affidati anche a figure femminili. La diligenza da parte mia e dei miei colleghi ha certamente favorito questo processo evolutivo, insieme alla volontà di trasmettere le nostre capacità per un futuro in crescita, in un periodo storico in cui non possiamo fermarci, anzi.

GLORIA - Dipartimento di produzione

"Hai studiato in un istituto culinario e poi, invece di lavorare nel reparto di produzione della Meccanica, perché hai fatto quella scelta?
Successivamente nel settore alberghiero, che non ha portato i risultati sperati, ho deciso di provare altri modi, come baby sitter e venditore di frutta e verdura. Ma ho capito che non era quello di cui avevo bisogno, o forse ero solo sfortunato. Un giorno ho avuto l'opportunità, lavorando alla Meccanica, e ho deciso di mettermi alla prova, anche se non conoscevo questo settore. All'inizio ci ho pensato come un esperimento, ma poi è diventato una vera conferma di lavoro. Mi trovo a gestire nuovi strumenti e meccanismi. Lentamente, con il sudore, il pianto e lo sforzo ci sto riuscendo.


La Meccanica di Reffo - Giornata internazionale della donna


