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Elements that can negatively affect the crumbling process

When crumbling, careful attention must be given to the roll setting at both ends to keep the rolls parallel. The normal procedure is to set the roller gap and then catch the crumbles from each end of the rolls.

When crumbling, careful attention must be given to the roll setting at both ends to keep the rolls parallel. The normal procedure is to set the roller gap and then catch the crumbles from each end of the rolls. 



The rolls must be running before the product is fed because the crumbler do not have the torque to  start under load. Longitudinal saw tooth type corrugation on both rolls keeps the fines to a  minimum.  

Below are the main problems that can be faced during the crumbling process and the respective possible reasons:

  • If you obtain a non-uniform product, probably the clearance between the rolls is not the same at both ends. Another cause could be the “flooding” of rolls or a concentrated load at one point. 

  • When rolls will not take the load, the roller corrugation is worn or there is poor feed distribution across the width of the rolls. 

  • If you cannot make fine crumbs the corrugation can be worn.

  • Malfunction of the baffles at the end of the rolls or too many clearances between the rolls and the by-pass valve may cause too many whole pellets in the crumbs. 

  • When you obtain too many fines, it’s generally due to poor pellet quality, concentration of feed at one spot or worn corrugation.