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Press Review Animal Feed

How is feed produced?

Nutritionists of the animal food also called feed or animal feed, creates a formula to provide animals with the necessary, balanced nutrients for proper growth, development and maintenance

Nutritionists of the animal feed, creates a formula to provide animals with the necessary, balanced nutrients for proper growth, development and maintenance. Animal feed is composed to compensate for nutrients and supplements that may be absent from an animal’s natural diets.

In the formulation and production of feed, the following actions are fundamental:

  • Eliminate substances potentially causing undesirable effects on the diet
  • Substitute a nutrient, also naturally present, to whose excess consumption pathogenic effects can be connected (e.g. some lipids or acids, favoring those with long chains and unsaturated)
  • Favor the concentration of compounds naturally present, with important benefits (vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc.)
  • If necessary, support the structural enrichment of food with simple additions.


These considerations are as important as the knowledge that each animal species has specific nutritional and metabolic needs, which also vary according to age, race, physiological status and performance.
To best meet these requirements, animal feed must be specially designed and produced with safe raw materials and of adequate nutritional quality, treated or not according to the intrinsic nature of the substance and the proposed objectives for animal health and human protection.

feed nutrients



Basic nutrients

For their maintenance and good health the animals needs basic nutrients that include carbohydrates, protein and fat, minerals, vitamin and water.





  • Proteins are needed for the growth of the muscles, internal organs and body tissue 
  • The energy needed for growth and activity is derived primarily from carbohydrates and fats. 
  • Minerals are essential for the animal life
  • Vitamins in livestock feeds, is required for growth, reproduction, milk production, and the maintenance of normal resistance to respiratory infections
  • Water is necessary for proper organ function and vital to sustaining life.